[1173] Front end Developer

Da Nang
Hai Chau Dist.

$800 - $1500
Post date
Job skills
JavaScript ReactJS

Job Details

  • Develop internal EC, CMS products for Weblife company.
  • Participate in maintaining existing features and developing new functionalities for the company.
  • Propose ideas for product improvements to Frontend team in Japan.
  • Collaborate with the Backend team to jointly develop products.
  • Maintain existing product features and develop new features.
  • Proactively propose ideas for product development.
  • Discuss with the Japanese engineering team to plan product development.
  • Participate in meetings to estimate time for products.
  • Proactively discuss with the Japanese engineering team when issues arise or new ideas emerge.

Job Requirements

  • Understand and analyze system requirements, be able to code and develop features and components required.
  • Ability to write scalable, testable, efficient, and easily maintainable code.
  • 3+ years of experience in NextJS, ReactJS Redux, Typescript, CSS, HTML.
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools.
  • Experience with Unit testing.


  • Be familiar with JSX, React Component, Redux
  • Be familiar with one of these CSS frameworks: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap.
  • Proficient in using Tools: Figma, Backlog, Slack, Jira, Visual Studio Code,….
  • Develop great experiences with web applications for company.
  • Maintain and upgrade applications with new features.


  • Develop reliable, scalable and maintainable web applications.
  • Experience in working with Typescript, Javascript, CSS, HTML.
  • Excellent in problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Knowledge in NodeJS is a big plus.
  • Good knowledge in Git flow.
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools (Git is preferred).

Preferred Skills:

  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • Typescript
  • Shopify
  • EC Cube

How to Apply

You can apply to this job via “Apply now” button, or send you CV to one of our recruiters, at:

  • Nhi Ha (Ms): or
  • Duong Le (Ms): or
  • Tu Phan (Ms): or
  • Trung Pham (Mr): or
  • Tham Mai Xuan (Ms): 

If you don’t see any feedback after 24 hours, please don’t hesitate to submit a report to

Thank you very much!